This is the view from my last condo…
Recently returned from the Greater Seattle chapter’s fabulous romance writer conference…where my work in progress placed first in their contest’s chick lit category. Extra exciting because it’s the first contest I sent this manuscript to. Had dinner with an editor, a drink with an agent…and got some “tough love” from a group at breakfast about which manuscript to finish first of the 4 I’ve started.
This blog can’t all be good news. Two requested synopses (less than 15 pages total!) I’d sent to an editor A YEAR ago were form-letter rejected. And I got one of the quickest rejections ever…sent a manuscript by e-mail Monday and got the rejection today!!!!! Glad I didn’t waste the toner/paper/postage to send the thing snail mail.
Today an e-mail from the senior editor at RT BOOKclub magazine revealed more about the upcoming AT II voting schedule. Get out your calendars: the first round of voting will be Nov 14-27 at Our bios should be posted there soon!
TWO more days of work. Visiting clients for the last time has been sad, but I’m ready to start this new chapter of my life.