I started this blog years ago because friends kept asking how I was going to spend my time after leaving my lucrative day job to pursue acting. I think they thought I was going to watch Oprah and get manicures. Maybe they didn’t think I could get enough paying work.
In the days before FB and social media were all the rage, this seemed like a good way to keep them informed. I didn’t try to grow readership or become known as a blogger. For years, I blogged every Thursday like clockwork. Now I think I’ve covered most of the issues I wanted to discuss.
I’m managing a career as a full-time freelancer…and spend my business days auditioning, self-marketing, and doing paying VO and on-camera jobs and the very occasional print shoot. I work via talent agents for big gigs, such as national TV commercials, and have acquired some private clients, mostly for technical and medical narration. I sell the occasional article. I give a few workshops and act in some films and web series.
The business can be random. Some weeks (fortunately, not that many) I might have no incoming auditions (though I can always find something to self-submit to) or jobs, others I’m running to and fro. Of course things slow down for the holidays, which gives me time to catch up on other things.
I’ve been put on hold for projects, then released. An audition might get cancelled. On the other hand, an audition or even a booking might pop up on short notice. A client might pay more to use something I did for a longer period of time. I’m always grateful for direct bookings (meaning I don’t have to audition, someone just hires me).
I used to spend more time and effort writing manuscripts and trying to get them published than I did this year, though I still have interest in two manuscripts. Seriously considering self-publishing next year.
Can I continue on this path, or will I have to return to Gainful Employment? Time will tell.
I’ll continue to post every so often. Or perhaps more often if I do self-publish or sell and find that path worth documenting.
Hoping for a great and rewarding 2014.