My cell rings. Caller ID tells me it’s one of my talent agencies.
Yes. Always get a little zap of excitement when I see a talent agent on caller ID. So many possibilities. Could they be calling to say I booked the DVD job?
No. They’re calling about a TV commercial that will shoot out of town on dates I am available. Good. The audition is at one of Chicago’s big casting directors. Very nice, would be a coup to book something through her. Details to be emailed this afternoon. Ok.
At this point all is well. The day goes on with no info. Now it’s 5:15. I have to leave for chorus rehearsal that goes until 8:45. What if they sent info, but left me off the list? What if there’s a script to memorize, will I have time? Should I call and find out? No. Yes.
I call and learn they haven’t sent the info. It arrives minutes later, when I’m on the bus. I start to read and am caught up in roller coaster thoughts. Because the first thing I see is that the shoot date has changed…to the day I’m returning from my NY trip.
Hmm. Wouldn’t you know, I leave town and the chance of a good job pops up, just like when I went to Puerto Rico. Could I make it to the location AND see Billy Elliot? Unlikely. I really want to see that show. Would the friend I’m going with find someone to use my ticket? How much would it cost to change my flight?
I keep reading. The spot is MOS, which means without sound, so I won’t have to worry about sounding real/believable.
Nice. I’m working on sounding real and a VO friend thinks I’m doing much better–for VO at least–but this casting director has told me before to sound more believable.
I”m supposed to be a grandma in her 50s. Hmm. Do I look like a grandma, do I look like I’m in my 50s? Usually people think I’m in my late 30s. But I know agents/casting directors don’t have time to waste sending/seeing people they don’t want, so there’s a reason I’m on the list. Or DO I look like I’m a grandma in my 50s? Hmmm.
The pay is great, and there’s additional money for print. Yes. I would really like to book this. I wish I looked like I was in my 50s. No, I don’t.
Do I overthink, or is this the thought process other actors go through? I’ll find out. Stay tuned…
You in your 50’s? I don’t think so. You’re a hottie.