The more I get involved in some of Chicago’s many creative communities, the more business might mix with pleasure and networking with colleagues merges into socializing with friends.
On any given night, several friends and colleagues are performing in shows or appearing in movies, at storytelling events or book readings. There are too many to support them all. Last weekend, I got to buy a successful artist friend’s new book at a fun signing (and am honored to be a picture of the event roaming the Internet).
I had brunch with a VO friend/colleague who’s been helping write and record my new commercial demo (a mutual colleague will do some of the production), then we worked for several hours. I wanted to support another friend’s performance, but a 10:30 pm start is a little late for me. Sunday I attended a storytelling event at which I’ve told a couple of stories, know the organizers and three of the participants. I’ll be telling at another event later this year; the organizer of that recently helped me get a great audition.
This week, another mutual VO colleague/friend joined the mix for more demo work. And after the final session of an acting class, the teacher (also a casting director and director) went out for a drink with us and shared additional advice.
Tuesday I went to an author networking event where I knew the organizer and some of the attending authors, instead of another event much farther away where three author friends were reading. I’ll get to emcee yet another author event this weekend; I know six of the seven authors presenting and am in a networking group with four of them.
Also this week, I had auditions at two major casting agencies, and saw people I knew at both.
It took some time to establish connections. Now it’s great to run into people I’ve worked with and/or have become Facebook or in person friends with. You never know who you’ll work with next, or who you’ll help or will help you get an audition, booking, or other opportunity.