Another Vilnius picture…Trakai, an medieval, reconstructed castle.
There are those who assume because I no longer have a “day job” that I am living a life of leisure.
Yes, one goal of quitting was to make more time for friends. However, I’m operating on a fairly strict schedule:
Up before 7
Read paper
Check E-mail
Workout for 20-mins to 1/2 hour (this morning: hip hop dancing)
These are some of the projects I’m working on:
Finish ms #7: goal of 25 new pages per week
Submit to acting and writing agents: research agents and customize query letter/submission based on each agency’s requirements
Write website content and choose colors/layout/links
Taking an advanced commercial workshop: review and prepare 18 pages of scripts they faxed
Prepare for tomorrow’s audition for an agent
Finish voice over class
Prepare online workshop that starts 1/22 for Hearts Through History Romance Writers
Coming in Feb: rehearsals to sing Beethoven’s 9th at Navy Pier in Sept
Literacy for adults training/tutoring
I am putting in more hours than before. But enjoying the work far more.