Some weeks being a feelancer is akin in certain respects to being a juggler and a plate spinner. Not only do I have to keep my eye and focus on many balls in the air, I have to run down the line to make sure my plates are still spinning. If I drop a ball or a plate falls, I could lose income and disappoint a client/agent/casting director and myself.
I want to juggle more balls, spin more plates… but what’s the tipping point? I can’t know when another ball will get thrown at me. Work and auditions seem to have a shorter lead time than they used to, and we’re asked to keep more days open when we audition… For example, a project I’m auditioning for this week needs two weeks of availability in October. And tomorrow was open on my calendar. I’d planned to take care of assorted details and finish judging a writing contest.
I just got called by a client who may want me to work tomorrow for a couple of hours in a location TBA. Great! It’s not confirmed, however, and I don’t know when it will be. And I was just asked to be on a call this afternoon. Ok. Now I need to juggle and spin faster so I can still get the work done I’d allocated to those times.
Then again, sometimes I can’t do it all, even if I want to. Sometimes I have to say no, though I’d like to do another job or help out this or that committee or organization. I was asked to do a film Saturday in Milwaukee, but wouldn’t have been done in time to be back in Chicago for a previous commitment.
Having so many balls and plates is exciting. I have to focus on that, and let any stress go.