I used to have a circular magnet that said “TUIT” in red letters, which meant “get around to it.” These days most of us have “To Do” lists that are so long, many items fall into the “when I get around to it” or WIGATI category. Some of us may have items that we don’t really want to do but are necessary (such as doing our taxes) or would make our lives easier but seem daunting (like cleaning out the closets).
My DayTimer® yes, I still prefer print calendars to those online. I think it’s easier and faster to flip open my DayTimer and see what’s going on than to click around on my PC, sync with my phone and then when out and about have to poke around the calendar app) has a page near the front called “TO BE DONE IN” whatever month. Lately I’ve found that I’ve been transferring most of these items to the next month instead of getting them done.
Things like downloading and figuring out Dropbox. Learning more about using LinkedIn. Reviewing my AT&T plan and investigating cheaper options/providers. Freecycling http://www.freecycle.org/ items I no longer need or want. Important, beneficial tasks, yet they take a backseat to things on my “TO BE DONE TODAY” list.
I keep thinking I’ll have a free day when I can tackle some WAGATI tasks. Then each week I’m fortunate to see my schedule fill with auditions, jobs, rehearsals, performances, submission requests, and, yes, a social life. None of us can work 24/7.
Years ago I went to a life coach, who didn’t want to get started until I completed assorted tasks I’d been meaning to do. She said these outstanding tasks weigh us down.
I’m going to set a goal to whittle down my nagging task list by at least 3 items a month…what about you?
A couple of articles on the topic: