A shout out of thanks to faithful readers who approached me at the RWA National Conference in Washington, DC last week to say they enjoyed keeping up with my blog. One, with the enthusiasm of a soap opera fan who anticipates the next juicy episode, pointed out that though I’d offered submission tips gleaned from my recent trip to NY, I’ve neglected to discuss what I’ve decided to do about moving there.
Status: up in the air. The editors suggested I should be an agent, because of my background, there’s potential for better compensation, agenting is easier to break into and can be done anywhere. They pretty much agreed that despite my knowledge of the industry and my writing/editing and marketing experience, I’d pretty much have to start at the very bottom, literally getting coffee and making copies. The agents pointed out how long it can take for a new agent to make any money because it could be months or a year before you make a sale and then months after that before you get any commission. So, given the state of the economy, for the short term at least I’ll stay where I am.
Since then, an editor graciously forwarded a post for a PR assistant. But if I’m going to make the effort to move, I want to start where I want to be, in editorial. And an agent (who I also spoke with in DC) said I could be a reader for her (for the experience. Which would be great, but then I’d have to resign from the RWA board of directors because I’d be involved in the acquisitions process. She also said if I turned one of my medievals into historical fiction, she’d take a look at the partial (first 3 chapters and synopsis). It’s something that has been on my ‘to do’ list for awhile, so I’m looking forward to making the changes now that I already have someone interested.
In the meantime, still waiting to hear on some submissions that have been out there for awhile, and preparing to send those requested in DC. Also trying to be patient during the annual late summer slowdown of both the publishing and acting worlds.
Stay tuned…
Don't go, Ruth!
Seriously, I hope something great comes up on your horizon. You've worked hard enough, have talent enough and deserve it!
Morgan Mandel
Hmm, I think I may have been the enthusiastic soap opera fan : ) I enjoyed meeting you, and will continue to follow the twists and turns of Gainfully Unemployed. Thanks for the update.
I have fingers and toes crossed. If nothing else it sounds as if you've done some amazing networking